Task 6
Solid waste is such a materials which are solid in form and there is no value of it to the person who owns it and freely thrown it away or keep it as a wastage. The term solid waste also synonymous with the words like, garbage, trash, refuse, rubbish etc. The term municipal solid waste refers to solid wastes from houses, streets and public places, shops, hospitals situated in the city area and which are under the responsibility of municipal or other local government bodies to clean. Solid waste management means all the activities that seek to minimize the health, environmental and aesthetic impacts of solid wastes.
The urbanization in the developing countries is growing very rapidly without facilitating proper infrastructure like sanitation, drainage, sewerage etc. In many cities of the developing countries, there is no proper waste storage systems rather the municipal waste thrown in open places and thus it spreads very bad smells, and pollute the environment. The open places where the waste are thrown are usually situated where poor people lived in. The government of the developing countries with very small resources can not take proper actions to manage the wastage in sustainable way. There are many challenges facing for solid waste management in the developing countries like, inadequate service coverage, limitation on recycling facilities, inadequate landfill disposal etc.
In conclusion , as in the developing countries, most of the municipal solid wastes are freely dumped in the open places, it not only creates serious health and environmental problems but also losing a good opportunity to use the waste into the valuable energy generation purposes. The government and stake holders of the developing countries should heed into this matter that certainly will be benefiting their people and country.
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